International Martial Arts Association celebrating 20 years of martial arts co-operation
1996 - 2016
International Martial Arts Academies (IMA) Constitution
Article 1- Name
Article 2-Purpose for the existence
1. Teaching and Development of Martial Arts.
2. Spreading Internationally Martial Arts training, with discipline, fitness training, and 1st class martial arts skills.
3. Development of martial artists and promotion of martial artists in the true honor of martial arts, and with legitimate promotion.
4. Uniting Martial Artists regardless of Country, Color, Race and Background, a true honourable family of martial arts practitioners.
Article 3 - Membership
Membership is open to everyone.
Membership Fees will be set by the Executive Board.
The Executive Board will only have voting rights.
Article 4- Executive Board
1. The Executive Board shall consist of:
a) President
b) Technical Director
c) 2 x Vice President
Article 5 - Duties of the Executive
will oversee the other members of the executive board in their duties
will chair all meetings
will have signing authority for the International Martial Arts Academies (IMA)
will be responsible for financial dealings within the IMA
will be responsible for keeping all IMA records up to date
will assist the President in his/her duties
will assume all powers of the President in his/her absence
will be responsible for recording the minutes of all meetings
Technical Director
will be responsible for upholding technical aspects of development of martial arts
will be responsible for education of martial arts
Article 6 - Finances
A Membership fee will be set by the Executive Board regular members and Masters.
A Seminar Fee will be set by the Executive Board Annually for seminars conducted within the association.
Article 7 - Meetings
1. At least three general meetings shall be held during the school year, including the Annual General Meeting.
2. Members will be informed of each of these meetings at least seven days in advance.
3. If these meetings can not be held in person, then skype conferencing will be arranged for Board Members.
Article 8 - Elections
1. All election procedures will abide by the policies set out in Policy Resolution 4, Part 7.
Article 9 - Amendments
1. Amendments to the constitution must be win a two-thirds majority vote of board members present.
2. Amendments to the constitution must be presented with a typed copy of the proposed amendment as well as typed minutes from the meeting when the amendment was passed in order to prove that this amendment was adopted.
Article 10 - Impeachment
1. Any member of the International Martial Arts Academies who commits an act negatively affecting the interests of the association and its members may be given notice of impeachment.
2. The impeached individual will have the right to defend his/her actions.
3. A two-thirds majority vote of members present will result in the removal of the impeached individual from the association and the loss of any privileges associated with the association, and any ranks being officially recognised.